Kubectl Plugin

KubeVault CLI is a kubectl plugin that supports various features using KubeVault. It automates numerous tedious tasks & simplifies interaction with Vault.

helm install kubedb oci://ghcr.io/appscode-charts/kubedb \
  --version v2025.2.10 \
  --namespace kubedb --create-namespace \
  --set-file global.license=/path/to/the/license.txt \
  --wait --burst-limit=10000 --debug
KubeVault CLI

KubeVault CLI

KubeVault CLI is an integral part of the KubeVault operator. KubeVault CLI is a kubectl plugin that supports various handy features while using KubeVault. It automates numerous tedious tasks & provides simpler ways to interact with Vault. It’s possible to do CRUD operations on Vault unseal keys, root token stored in different clouds, generate SecretProviderClass, etc. with KubeVault CLI.

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Trusted by top engineers at the most ambitious companies

Run and Manage your Database on Kubernetes FREE !

KubeVault is FREE to use on any supported Kubernetes engines. You can deploy and manage your database in Kubernetes using KubeVault. There is no up-front investment required. We offer a 30 days license FREE of cost to try KubeVault.