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The JWT auth method can be used to authenticate with Vault using OIDC or by providing a JWT.

The OIDC method allows authentication via a configured OIDC Provider using the user’s web browser. This method may be initiated from the Vault UI or the command line. Alternatively, a JWT can be provided directly.

Enable & Configure JWT/OIDC Auth method

While deploying the VaultServer it’s possible to define the list of auth methods users want to enable with it.

A VaultServer .spec.authMethods section may look like this:

    - type: jwt
      path: jwt
    - type: oidc
      path: oidc
  • .spec.authMethods.type is a required field, the type of authentication method we want to enable.
  • .spec.authMethods.path is a required field, the path where we want to enable this authentication method.
  • .spec.authMethods.jwtConfig / .spec.authMethods.oidcConfig contains various configuration for this authentication method. Some of the paramerters are listed here:
    • defaultLeaseTTL - The default lease duration, specified as a string duration like “5s” or “30m”.
    • maxLeaseTTL - The maximum lease duration, specified as a string duration like “5s” or “30m”.
    • pluginName - The name of the plugin in the plugin catalog to use.
    • auditNonHMACRequestKeys - List of keys that will not be HMAC’d by audit devices in the request data object.
    • auditNonHMACResponseKeys - List of keys that will not be HMAC’d by audit devices in the response data object.
    • listingVisibility - Specifies whether to show this mount in the UI-specific listing endpoint.
    • passthroughRequestHeaders - List of headers to whitelist and pass from the request to the backend.
    • credentialSecretRef - K8s Secret reference containing credential related secrets.
    • tlsSecretRef - K8s Secret reference containing tls related secrets.
    • oidcDiscoveryURL - The OIDC Discovery URL, without any .well-known component (base path). Cannot be used with “jwks_url” or “jwt_validation_pubkeys”.
    • oidcClientID - The OAuth Client ID from the provider for OIDC roles.
    • oidcResponseMode - The response mode to be used in the OAuth2 request. Allowed values are “query” and “form_post”. Defaults to “query”. If using Vault namespaces, and oidc_response_mode is “form_post”, then “namespace_in_state” should be set to false.
    • oidcResponseTypes - (comma-separated string, or array of strings: ) - The response types to request. Allowed values are “code” and “id_token”. Defaults to “code”. Note: “id_token” may only be used if “oidc_response_mode” is set to “form_post”.
    • defaultRole - The default role to use if none is provided during login.
    • providerConfig - Configuration options for provider-specific handling. Providers with specific handling include: Azure, Google. The options are described in each provider’s section in OIDC Provider Setup.
    • jwksURL - JWKS URL to use to authenticate signatures. Cannot be used with “oidc_discovery_url” or “jwt_validation_pubkeys”.
    • jwtValidationPubkeys - (comma-separated string, or array of strings: ). A list of PEM-encoded public keys to use to authenticate signatures locally. Cannot be used with “jwks_url” or “oidc_discovery_url”.
    • jwtSupportedAlgs - (comma-separated string, or array of strings: ) A list of supported signing algorithms. Defaults to [RS256] for OIDC roles. Defaults to all available algorithms for JWT roles.
    • boundIssuer - The value against which to match the iss claim in a JWT.

After an authentication method is successfully enabled, KubeVault operator will configure it with the provided configuration.

After successfully enabling & configuring authentication methods, a VaultServer .status.authMethodStatus may look like this:

  - path: jwt
    status: EnableSucceeded
    type: jwt
  - path: kubernetes
    status: EnableSucceeded
    type: kubernetes

We can verify it using the Vault CLI:

$ vault auth list

Path           Type          Accessor                    Description
----           ----          --------                    -----------
jwt/           jwt           auth_jwt_ba23cc30           n/a
kubernetes/    kubernetes    auth_kubernetes_40fd86fd    n/a
token/         token         auth_token_950c8b80         token based credentials

So, this is how JWT/OIDC authentication method could be enabled & configured with KubeVault.

For a step-by-step guide on JWT/OIDC authentication method, see this.