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What is AppBinding

AppBinding CRD provides a way to specify connection information, credential, and parameters that are necessary for communicating with an app/service. In KubeVault operator, AppBinding used to communicate with externally provisioned Vault, database, etc.

An AppBinding is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition(CRD) which points to an application using either its URL (usually for a non-Kubernetes resident service instance) or a Kubernetes service object (if self-hosted in a Kubernetes cluster), some optional parameters and a credential secret. To learn more about AppBinding and the problems it solves, please read this blog post: The case for AppBinding.

AppBinding CRD Specification

Like any official Kubernetes resource, an AppBinding has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta and Spec sections. However, unlike other Kubernetes resources, it does not have a Status section.

An AppBinding object created by KubeVault for a Vault server is shown below,

kind: AppBinding
  name: vault-app
  namespace: demo
  type: vault
    name: vault-token
      name: vault
      port: 8200
      scheme: HTTPS

Here, we are going to describe the sections of an AppBinding crd that are relevant to KubeVault.

AppBinding Spec

An AppBinding object has the following fields in the spec section:


spec.type is an optional field that specifies the type of app.

  type: vault


spec.clientConfig is a required field that specifies the information to make a connection with an app.

      name: vault
      port: 8200
      scheme: HTTPS

It has following fields:

  • clientConfig.url : Optional. Specifies the location of the app, in standard URL form ([scheme://]host:port/path).

  • clientConfig.service: Optional. Specifies the reference of the Kubernetes service for this app. It has the following fields:

    • service.scheme : Optional. Specifies which scheme to use, for example, HTTP, https. If specified, then it will be applied as the prefix in this format: scheme://. If not specified, then nothing will be prefixed.
    • : Required. Specifies the name of the service. This and AppBinding’s namespace will be used to create app DNS.
    • service.port : Required. Specifies the port that will be exposed by this app.
    • service.path : Optional. Specifies the URL path which will be sent in any request to this service.
    • service.query : Optional. Specifies the encoded query string, without ‘?’ which will be sent in any request to this service.

Note: Either clientConfig.url or clientConfig.service must be specified.

  • clientConfig.caBundle: Optional. Specifies the PEM encoded CA bundle which will be used to validate the serving certificate of this app.

  • clientConfig.insecureSkipTLSVerify: Optional. To skip TLS certificate verification when communicating with this app. This is strongly discouraged. You should use the clientConfig.caBundle instead.


spec.secret is an optional field that specifies the name of the secret containing credentials associated with AppBinding. It must be in AppBinding’s namespace.

    name: vault-token


spce.parameters is an optional field that specifies the list of parameters to be used to connect to the app. The Parameters field is not secret or secured in any way and should never be used to hold sensitive information.

    kind: VaultServerConfiguration
    path: kubernetes
    vaultRole: vault-policy-controller
      serviceAccountName: vault
      tokenReviewerServiceAccountName: vault-k8s-token-reviewer
      usePodServiceAccountForCSIDriver: true


spec.secretTransforms is an optional field that contains the list of transformations that should be applied to the credentials associated with the AppBinding before they are inserted into the Secret. For example, the credential secret specified in has the key USERNAME, but the consumer requires the username to be exposed under the key DB_USER instead. To have the KubeVault operator transform the secret, the following secret transformation must be specified in spec.secretTransforms.

    - renameKey:
        from: USERNAME
        to: DB_USER

It has the following fields:

  • secretTransforms[].renameKey: Optional. Specifies a transform that renames a credentials secret entry’s key. It has the following fields:

    • renameKey.from: Required. Specifies the name of the key to rename.
    • Required. Specifies the new name for the key.
  • secretTransforms[].addKey: Optional. Specifies a transform that adds an additional key to the credentials secret.

    • addKey.key: Required. Specifies the name of the key to add.
    • addKey.value: Required. Specifies the value (possibly non-binary) to add to the secret under the specified key.
    • addKey.stringValue: Required. Specifies the string value to add to the secret under the specified key. If both addKey.value and addKey.stringValue are specified, then addKey.value is ignored and addKey.stringValue is stored.
    • addKey.jsonPathExpression: Required. Specifies the JSONPath expression, the result of which will be added to the Secret under the specified key. For example, given the following credentials: { "foo": { "bar": "foobar" } } and the jsonPathExpression {}, the value foobar will be stored in the credentials secret under the specified key.
  • secretTransforms[].addKeysFrom: Optional. Specifies a transform that merges all the entries of an existing secret into the credentials secret.

    • Optinal. Specifies the name of the secret.
    • addKeysFrom.secretRef.namespace: Optinal. Specifies the namespace of the secret.
  • secretTransforms[].removeKey: Optional. Specifies a transform that removes a credentials secret entry.

    • removeKey.key. Required. Specifies the key to remove from secret.