You are looking at the documentation of a prior release. To read the documentation of the latest release, please visit here.

Mount PKI(certificates) Secrets into Kubernetse pod using CSI Driver

At first, you need to have a Kubernetes 1.14 or later cluster, and the kubectl command-line tool must be configured to communicate with your cluster. If you do not already have a cluster, you can create one by using kind. To check the version of your cluster, run:

$ kubectl version --short
Client Version: v1.16.2
Server Version: v1.14.0

Before you begin:

  • Install KubeVault operator in your cluster from here.
  • Install Secrets Store CSI driver for Kubernetes secrets in your cluster from here.

To keep things isolated, we are going to use a separate namespace called demo throughout this tutorial.

$ kubectl create ns demo
namespace/demo created

Note: YAML files used in this tutorial stored in examples folder in GitHub repository KubeVault/docs

Vault Server

If you don’t have a Vault Server, you can deploy it by using the KubeVault operator.

The KubeVault operator can manage policies and secret engines of Vault servers which are not provisioned by the KubeVault operator. You need to configure both the Vault server and the cluster so that the KubeVault operator can communicate with your Vault server.

Now, we have the AppBinding that contains connection and authentication information about the Vault server. And we also have the service account that the Vault server can authenticate.

$ kubectl get serviceaccounts -n demo
NAME                       SECRETS   AGE
vault                      1         20h

$ kubectl get appbinding -n demo
vault   50m

$ kubectl get appbinding -n demo vault -o yaml
kind: AppBinding
  name: vault
  namespace: demo
      name: vault
      port: 8200
      scheme: HTTPS
    kind: VaultServerConfiguration
    path: kubernetes
    vaultRole: vault-policy-controller
      serviceAccountName: vault
      tokenReviewerServiceAccountName: vault-k8s-token-reviewer
      usePodServiceAccountForCSIDriver: true

Enable and Configure PKI Secret Engine

We will use the Vault CLI throughout the tutorial to enable and configure the PKI secret engine.

Don’t have Vault CLI? Download and configure it as described here

To use secret from PKI secret engine, you have to perform the following steps.

Enable PKI Secret Engine

To enable PKI secret engine run the following command.

$ vault secrets enable pki
Success! Enabled the pki secrets engine at: pki/

Increase the TTL by tuning the secrets engine. The default value of 30 days may be too short, so increase it to 1 year:

$ vault secrets tune -max-lease-ttl=8760h pki
Success! Tuned the secrets engine at: pki/

Configure CA Certificate and Private Key

Configure a CA certificate and private key. Vault can accept an existing key pair, or it can generate its own self-signed root.

$ vault write pki/root/generate/internal \
Key              Value
---              -----
certificate      -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
expiration       1606200496
issuing_ca       -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
serial_number    10:39:a7:02:60:b4:b2:22:12:96:b7:b3:0f:7f:c2:79:45:d3:49:fb

Configure a PKI Role

We need to configure a role that maps a name in vault to a procedure for generating certificate. When users of machines generate credentials, they are generated agains this role:

$ vault write pki/roles/example-dot-com \
                          allow_subdomains=true \
Success! Data written to: pki/roles/example-dot-com

Update Vault Policy

Since Pod’s service account will be used by the CSI driver to perform Kubernetes authentication to the Vault server, the auth method role must have the permission to read secret at pki/* path.

During the Vault server configuration, we have created a Kubernetes service account and registered an auth method role at the Vault server. If you have used the KubeVault operator to deploy the Vault server, then the operator has performed these tasks for you.

So, we have the service account that will be referenced from the Pod.

kubectl get serviceaccounts -n demo
NAME                       SECRETS   AGE
vault                      1         7h23m

Don’t have Vault CLI? Download and configure it as described here

You can find the name of the auth method role in the AppBinding’s spec.parameters.vaultRole. Let’s list the token policies assigned for vault service account:

$ vault read auth/kubernetes/role/vault-policy-controller
Key                                 Value
---                                 -----
bound_service_account_names         [vault]
bound_service_account_namespaces    [demo]
token_bound_cidrs                   []
token_explicit_max_ttl              0s
token_max_ttl                       24h
token_no_default_policy             false
token_num_uses                      0
token_period                        24h
token_policies                      [default vault-policy-controller]
token_ttl                           24h
token_type                          default

Now, we will update the Vault policy vault-policy-controller and add the permissions for pki/* path with existing permissions.


path "pki/*" {
    capabilities = ["read", "create", "update", "delete"]

Update the vault-policy-controller policy:

# write existing polices to a file
$ vault policy read vault-policy-controller > examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/policy.hcl

# append the pki-policy at the end of the existing policies
$ cat examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/pki-policy.hcl >> examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/policy.hcl

# write the update policy to Vault
$ vault policy write vault-policy-controller examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/policy.hcl
Success! Uploaded policy: vault-policy-controller

# read updated policy
$ vault policy read vault-policy-controller
... ...
... ...
path "pki/*" {
    capabilities = ["read", "create", "update", "delete"]

So, we have updated the policy successfully and ready to mount the secrets into Kubernetes pods.

Mount Certificates into a Kubernetes Pod

Since Kubernetes 1.14, CSINode and CSIDriver objects were introduced. Let’s check CSIDriver and CSINode are available or not.

$ kubectl get csidrivers
NAME                        CREATED AT   2019-12-09T04:32:50Z

$ kubectl get csinodes
NAME             CREATED AT
2gb-pool-57jj7   2019-12-09T04:32:52Z
2gb-pool-jrvtj   2019-12-09T04:32:58Z

So, we can create StorageClass now.

Create StorageClass

Create StorageClass object with the following content:

kind: StorageClass
  name: vault-pki-storage
  annotations: "false"
  ref: demo/vault # namespace/AppBinding, we created during vault configuration
  engine: PKI # vault engine name
  role: example-dot-com # role name created
  path: pki # specifies the secret engine path, default is gcp
  common_name: # specifies the requested CN for the certificate
$ kubectl apply -f docs/examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/storageClass.yaml created

Here, you can also pass the following parameters optionally to issue the certificate

  • common_name (string: ) – Specifies the requested CN for the certificate. If the CN is allowed by role policy, it will be issued.

  • alt_names (string: “”) – Specifies requested Subject Alternative Names, in a comma-delimited list. These can be host names or email addresses; they will be parsed into their respective fields. If any requested names do not match role policy, the entire request will be denied.

  • ip_sans (string: “”) – Specifies requested IP Subject Alternative Names, in a comma-delimited list. Only valid if the role allows IP SANs (which is the default).

  • uri_sans (string: “”) – Specifies the requested URI Subject Alternative Names, in a comma-delimited list.

  • other_sans (string: “”) – Specifies custom OID/UTF8-string SANs. These must match values specified on the role in allowed_other_sans (globbing allowed). The format is the same as OpenSSL: ;: where the only current valid type is UTF8. This can be a comma-delimited list or a JSON string slice.

  • ttl (string: “”) – Specifies requested Time To Live. Cannot be greater than the role’s max_ttl value. If not provided, the role’s ttl value will be used. Note that the role values default to system values if not explicitly set.

  • format (string: “”) – Specifies the format for returned data. Can be pem, der, or pem_bundle; defaults to pem. If der, the output is base64 encoded. If pem_bundle, the certificate field will contain the private key and certificate, concatenated; if the issuing CA is not a Vault-derived self-signed root, this will be included as well.

  • private_key_format (string: “”) – Specifies the format for marshaling the private key. Defaults to der which will return either base64-encoded DER or PEM-encoded DER, depending on the value of format. The other option is pkcs8 which will return the key marshalled as PEM-encoded PKCS8.

  • exclude_cn_from_sans (bool: false) – If true, the given common_name will not be included in DNS or Email Subject Alternate Names (as appropriate). Useful if the CN is not a hostname or email address, but is instead some human-readable identifier.

Test & Verify

Let’s create a separate namespace called trial for testing purpose.

$ kubectl create ns trial
namespace/trail created

Create PVC

Create a PersistentVolumeClaim with the following data. This makes sure a volume will be created and provisioned on your behalf.

apiVersion: v1
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
  name: csi-pvc-pki
  namespace: trial
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 100Mi
  storageClassName: vault-pki-storage
$ kubectl apply -f docs/examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/pvc.yaml
persistentvolumeclaim/csi-pvc-pki created

Create VaultPolicy and VaultPolicyBinding for Pod’s Service Account

Let’s say pod’s service account name is pod-sa located in trial namespace. We need to create a VaultPolicy and a VaultPolicyBinding so that the pod has access to read secrets from the Vault server.

kind: VaultPolicy
  name: pki-se-policy
  namespace: demo
    name: vault
  # Here, pki secret engine is enabled at "pki".
  # If the path was "demo-se", policy should be like
  # path "demo-se/*" {}.
  policyDocument: |
    path "pki/*" {
      capabilities = ["create", "read"]
kind: VaultPolicyBinding
  name: pki-se-role
  namespace: demo
    name: vault
  - ref: pki-se-policy
      - "pod-sa"
      - "trial"

Let’s create VaultPolicy and VaultPolicyBinding:

$ kubectl apply -f docs/examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/vaultPolicy.yaml created

$ kubectl apply -f docs/examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/vaultPolicyBinding.yaml created

Check if the VaultPolicy and the VaultPolicyBinding are successfully registered to the Vault server:

$ kubectl get vaultpolicy -n demo
NAME                           STATUS    AGE
pki-se-policy                  Success   8s

$ kubectl get vaultpolicybinding -n demo
NAME                           STATUS    AGE
pki-se-role                    Success   10s

Create Service Account for Pod

Let’s create the service account pod-sa which was used in VaultPolicyBinding. When a VaultPolicyBinding object is created, the KubeVault operator create an auth role in the Vault server. The role name is generated by the following naming format: k8s.(clusterName or -) Here, it is k8s.-.demo.pki-se-role. We need to provide the auth role name as service account annotations while creating the service account. If the annotation is not provided, the CSI driver will not be able to perform authentication to the Vault.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: pod-sa
  namespace: trial
  annotations: k8s.-.demo.pki-se-role
$ kubectl apply -f docs/examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/podServiceAccount.yaml
serviceaccount/pod-sa created

Create Pod

Now we can create a Pod which refers to this volume. When the Pod is created, the volume will be attached, formatted and mounted to the specific container.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: mypod
  namespace: trial
    - name: mypod
      image: busybox
        - sleep
        - "3600"
        - name: my-vault-volume
          mountPath: "/etc/pki"
          readOnly: true
  serviceAccountName: pod-sa # service account that was created
    - name: my-vault-volume
        claimName: csi-pvc-pki
$ kubectl apply -f docs/examples/guides/secret-engines/pki/pod.yaml
pod/mypod created

Check if the Pod is running successfully, by running:

$ kubectl get pods -n trial
NAME                    READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
mypod                   1/1     Running   0          11s

Verify Secret

If the Pod is running successfully, then check inside the app container by running

$ kubectl exec -it -n trial  mypod sh
/ # ls /etc/pki/
certificate       issuing_ca        private_key_type
expiration        private_key       serial_number

/ # cat /etc/pki/certificate
..... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... ...

Cleaning up

To clean up the Kubernetes resources created by this tutorial, run:

$ kubectl delete ns demo
namespace "demo" deleted

$ kubectl delete ns trial
namespace "trial" deleted