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What is GCPAccessKeyRequest

An GCPAccessKeyRequest is a Kubernetes CustomResourceDefinition (CRD) which allows a user to request for GCP credentials in a Kubernetes native way. If an GCPAccessKeyRequest is approved, then the KubeVault operator will issue credentials using a Vault server and create a Kubernetes secret containing the GCP credentials. The secret name will be specified in field. The operator will also create appropriate ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding for the k8s secret.

When a GCPAccessKeyRequest is created, it make an access key request to Vault under a roleset. Hence a GCPRole CRD is a prerequisite for creating a GCPAccessKeyRequest.

GCPAccessKeyRequest CRD

The KubeVault operator performs the following operations when a GCPAccessKeyRequest CRD is created:

  • Checks whether status.conditions[].type is Approved or not
  • If Approved, makes GCP access key request to Vault
  • Creates a Kubernetes Secret which contains the GCP credentials
  • Sets the name of the k8s secret to GCPAccessKeyRequest’s
  • Assigns read permissions on that Kubernetes secret to specified subjects or user identities

GCPAccessKeyRequest CRD Specification

Like any official Kubernetes resource, a GCPAccessKeyRequest object has TypeMeta, ObjectMeta, Spec and Status sections.

A sample GCPAccessKeyRequest object is shown below:

kind: GCPAccessKeyRequest
  name: gcp-cred-req
  namespace: demo
    name: gcp-role
    namespace: demo
    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: sa
      namespace: demo
  - lastTransitionTime: "2019-11-14T09:21:49Z"
    message: This was approved by kubectl vault approve gcpaccesskeyrequest
    reason: KubectlApprove
    type: Approved
    status: True
    duration: 0s
    name: gcp-cred-req-luc5p4

Here, we are going to describe the various sections of the GCPAccessKeyRequest crd.

GCPAccessKeyRequest Spec

GCPAccessKeyRequest Spec contains information about GCPRole and subjects.

  roleRef: <GCPRole-reference>
  subjects: <list-of-subjects>

Spec contains two additional fields only if the referred GCPRole has spec.secretType of service_account_key.

  roleRef: <GCPRole-reference>
  subjects: <list-of-subjects>
  keyAlgorithm: <algorithm_used_to_generate_key>
  keyType: <private_key_type>

GCPAccessKeyRequest spec has the following fields:


spec.roleRef is a required field that specifies the GCPRole against which credentials will be issued.

It has the following fields:

  • roleRef.apiGroup : Optional. Specifies the APIGroup of the resource being referenced.

  • roleRef.kind : Optional. Specifies the kind of the resource being referenced.

  • : Required. Specifies the name of the object being referenced.

  • roleRef.namespace : Required. Specifies the namespace of the referenced object.

    name: gcp-role
    namespace: demo


spec.subjects is a required field that contains a list of references to the object or user identities on whose behalf this request is made. These object or user identities will have read access to the k8s credential secret. This can either hold a direct API object reference or a value for non-objects such as user and group names.

It has the following fields:

  • kind : Required. Specifies the kind of object being referenced. Values defined by this API group are “User”, “Group”, and “ServiceAccount”. If the Authorizer does not recognize the kind value, the Authorizer will report an error.

  • apiGroup : Optional. Specifies the APIGroup that holds the API group of the referenced subject. Defaults to "" for ServiceAccount subjects.

  • name : Required. Specifies the name of the object being referenced.

  • namespace: Required. Specifies the namespace of the object being referenced.

    - kind: ServiceAccount
      name: sa
      namespace: demo


spec.keyAlgorithm is an optional field that specifies the key algorithm used to generate the key. Defaults to 2k RSA key. You probably should not choose other values (i.e. 1k), but accepted values are KEY_ALG_UNSPECIFIED, KEY_ALG_RSA_1024, KEY_ALG_RSA_2048

  keyAlgorithm: KEY_ALG_RSA_2048


spec.keyType is an optional field that specifies the private key type to generate. Defaults to JSON credentials file. Accepted values are TYPE_UNSPECIFIED, TYPE_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS_FILE


GCPAccessKeyRequest Status

status shows the status of the GCPAccessKeyRequest. It is managed by the KubeVault operator. It contains the following fields:

  • secret: Specifies the name of the secret containing GCP credential.

  • lease: Contains lease information of the issued credential.

  • conditions : Represent observations of a GCPAccessKeyRequest.

        - type: Approved

    It has following field:

    • conditions[].type : Required. Specifies request approval state. Supported type: Approved and Denied.

    • conditions[].reason : Optional. Specifies brief reason for the request state.

    • conditions[].message : Optional. Specifies human readable message with details about the request state.

Note: GCP credential will be issued if conditions[].type is Approved. Otherwise, the KubeVault operator will not issue any credentials.